Hmm..Ingatkan nak attach gambo kat GEMS. Skali masa transfer gambo dr hp, tetibe hilang. Sengal py laptop. Ntah ke manele die letak. Tgh bengang nih!Isk2!!Ingatkan nak share ngan korang, skali tak dptle. Doa2 le kalu gambo2 tu tetibe ade balik. Nnt aku letak. Terus takde mood nak cite. Huhu..
Setakat ni, ok2 saja. I'm excited to go to another moduls. And the best thing is I want to learn poco-poco as best as I can. Hehe..I really enjoy it even tough I doesn't know well how to do the Step 2. This step is quite confusing becoz I've already learned different style from other friends. So, I can't follow it. Hehe..I really like Step 3. So cute bcoz we must 'goyang-goyang' our body. Haaaa..
Actually, I had an offer from BeST programme. Yesterday, I really dunno whether I want to stay at GEMS or join BeST. After smsing, YMing and Facebooking my friends, I want to stay at GEMS. Insya Allah kalu ade rezeki tak ke mana kan. So, I want to enhance my knowledge as many as I can. And do the best to show people that I can do. It is because we'll get the company during job attachment based on our performance during in-class training.
Oklah. Malas nak taip da. Tak best nak cite kalau takde gambo. Ok, take care. Tata!!
June 28, 2009
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said... at
Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 2:00:00 AM GMT+8
Aqilah Suhaizam
said... at
Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 2:33:00 AM GMT+8
pocopco besT!!
kalau senamrobik kat skolah kitorang ade buwat.dyorang joget sampai ke tandas tapi dyorng x perasan yg dorang kt depan tndas.hehe~ -
Nur Adibah Md Azman
said... at
Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 1:08:00 PM GMT+8
-Una, thanx!!
-Qilah, poco2 mmg best. Seronok sgt kalau dpt wat. Pastu, wat ramai2. Hehe.. -
said... at
Saturday, July 4, 2009 at 10:07:00 PM GMT+8
Korg wat poco2 ker? kitorg wat senamrobik hiphop weh. Giler kentang! Hahahaha! Best2. BTW, ko dapat kelas brp english?
Nur Adibah Md Azman
said... at
Saturday, July 4, 2009 at 11:55:00 PM GMT+8
Ade plak giler kentang ek?Pelik btol le..Haha..Minggu ni takde poco2 langsung coz kelas English sampai pkl 6. Huhu..Aku tak terror. Aku dpt Group 7 je..Ko mesti dpt Group 8 kan?Hehe..
Anonymous said... at Monday, August 17, 2009 at 8:12:00 PM GMT+8
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